Anaktoron of Pantalica

Anaktoron of Pantalica

Eurialo Castle
Sella di Filiporto

The history of the town of Pantalica is difficult to fully understand based on archaeological data. It may have disappeared over time or hidden under the surface of the plateau. However, the so-called Anaktoron should represent the political heart of this settlement. This building, dated to the 13th century BCE, is strategically located at the top of the hill. Its name, which means "palace of the sovereign" or "royal residence" in Greek, was given by the archaeologist Paolo Orsi, who recognized the importance of the structure as a center of power. It is also known as the "queen's palace".

The construction technique of the Anaktoron is based on the use of enormous stone blocks, precisely worked and perfectly interlocked, likely sourced from an area located many kilometers away from Pantalica. The precision of the construction is thus comparable to the care shown in the choice of stone. These architectural features led Orsi to hypothesize possible connections with the Mycenaean civilization, which dominated the Mediterranean at that time. Later, Bernabò Brea proposed identifying Pantalica with the Hybla mentioned by Thucydides (VI, 4) and Polyaenus (V, 5). The Megarians, founders of Megara Hyblaea, are said to have been welcomed by Hyblon, king of Hybla, following a conflict with the Chalcidians of Leontini. However, this balance was disrupted with the founding of Syracuse, which might have been responsible for the first destruction of Pantalica.

The massive walls and the presence of a large central hearth in the Anaktoron indeed evoke the fortifications of Tiryns and Mycenae, as well as the megara ton andron (μεγάρων ανδρών), spaces where Mycenaean dignitaries made decisions. It is easy to imagine this building as a seat of power, where the fate of the Pantalica community was decided.


The Myth of Archimedes' Tomb

by Claudio Gulli, December 1, 2024
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